The islands in the archipelago


Fejø is only a 15-minute sail from Kragenæs. The beautiful landscape varies with high clay cliffs and flat beach meadows. The island also has a rich birdlife, and particularly in the area near the dam to the tiny island of Skalø, there are good opportunities to observe birds.
Fejø is Denmark’s number one fruit island, and here juice and cider are produced, which you can buy to take home. Tourist information can be found in the old mill.
Every year at the beginning of July, the Fejø Festival with classical and jazz music is held, and at the beginning of October, Apple Day is celebrated with stalls and activities in Dybvig Harbor.

The trip to Femø takes about an hour from Kragenæs. The island offers both hills and valleys, and along the way, you can rest on artistically decorated benches.
The island is known for its women’s camp, which has existed for 50 years. It runs from the end of June to the beginning of August. Additionally, Femø is known for its jazz festival, where the entire island buzzes with jazz and festival atmosphere over a long weekend. The tourist information is located at the harbor.

To get to Askø, you sail from Bandholm, and a dam leads further over to Lilleø. Both islands are known for fruit growing, and the orchards dominate the landscape.
