The picturesque harbour town Nysted is situated in a bay. From the marina you have a lovely view of Ålholm Castle, which dates back to the late 13th century. It is not open to the public, but you can take nice walks in the surrounding park and round the bird sanctuary Rørsø.
In the harbour there are many things to see and do. Go out on a seal safari, play crazy golf, view art in the tourist information or have an ice cream or a meal in one of the restaurants viewing the sea. Early August, during the Hajkutter-Festival, you will see nice, old ships along the quays.
Nysted was founded in 1409, and the town centre has many beautiful, old houses. The church was built at the beginning of the 14th century, and the tower in 1650.
In the main street the Aarestrup Museum (home of the medical doctor and poet Emil Aarestrup) and the only organ museum in Denmark are located. The old town hall houses a large collection of marine art.
The Medieval Market takes place on the square by the church 2 – 4 August. Here you can travel back in time and experience an authentic, medieval atmosphere with battles, food, and drink.
See you in the southern-most Danish market town.